LMSA Community
The LMSA Community is comprised of medical students, faculty and health professionals from the UCLA Health Care System. Our projects are aimed at improving the communication between different organizations and individuals at UCLA, the David Geffen School of Medicine and the UCLA Health Care System.
LMSA Faculty & Advisors
We thank our LMSA Faculty & Advisors for their unconditional support throughout the years!

Erica Lubliner, MD
Dra. Erica Lubliner grew up in an immigrant Latino community and was the first in her family to receive a higher education at UCLA where she double majored in History and Women’s Studies with a minor Chicana/o Studies. While finishing her pre-med studies after UCLA, she served as a college advisor at Wilson High School in East Los Angeles, director of a non-profit scholarship organization called the Scholarship Association for English as a Second Language Students (SAESL), and business partner of a small jewelry design company, Mio Designs. She attended the UC Irvine Post-Bacc Program and worked for the UC Irvine School of Medicine’s Program for the Medical Education of the Latino Community (PRIME-LC). She was admitted to the UCLA-Drew Program where she took on leadership roles in the Latino Medical Student Association (LMSA) as Co-Chair, and served as Editor-in-Chief of UCLA School of Medicine’s Humanities Journal—The BEAT. She was a Medical Education Fellow for the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA’s Center of Excellence. Her research explored female medical student perspectives on their clinical interactions with female superiors. As a APA Diversity Leadership Fellow, she participated in the Council on Medical Education and Lifelong Learning. Dra. Lubliner completed a combined adult and child adolescent psychiatry program at the UCLA/GLAVA working with diverse families in the community, military, and schools. She currently serves as Associate Program Director at the UCLA/GLAVA Psychiatry Program and also has a private practice.

Emma Ledesma, MA
Emma Ledesma was born in Lagos de Moreno, Jalisco, México. The first in her family to attend college, Emma received her Bachelor’s degree in Liberal Arts from California State University, San Marcos and later received her Masters of Arts degree in Educational Counseling from Azusa Pacific University. Emma worked for the University of California System for 21 years, both at UC Irvine and at UCLA where she helped with the development and success of PRIME-LA. Currently, Emma is the Director for the Postbaccalaureate Leadership Program (PLP) at Charles Drew University of Medicine and Science where she is cultivating leaders who will address health disparities in under-resourced populations.
She has served as a Latino Medical Student Association (LMSA) advisor for the UCLA & CDU Chapters for the last sixteen years and was a LMSA West Advisor for six years. Emma shares LMSA’s vision in recruiting and supporting individuals in healthcare professions who will strive to improve the access and delivery of healthcare to Latinos and medically underserved populations. She feels honored to work both UCLA and CDU LMSA chapters on both community and school events.
Emma enjoys spending time with her family and friends. You can usually catch her on a hike, visiting baseball stadiums, cheering on the Los Angeles Dodgers, gardening or traveling.