The goal of these resource pages is to compile advice and recommendations from Bruin alumni who are now medical students, in an effort to pass down our experiences, tips, and knowledge on things we learned or wished we knew earlier as a premed student. Over 25 medical students from various medical schools contributed to this document and commented on some of the student organizations, resources, scholarships, programs, and other experiences listed that they greatly enjoyed (or even those they didn't). This is not an all-encompassing guide covering every single one of the student organizations on compass, but rather the direct and honest personal experiences that each of the medical student contributors wanted to share with current undergraduates at UCLA.

This is meant to be a dynamic and constantly updated document. Please let us know if you are a Bruin alumna/us and current/former medical student and would like to contribute to this document further. If you have any suggestions or questions regarding this resource document, feel free to contact: or @medmentorsucla on Instagram.

PDF version of this document: Recommendations from Medical Students for Premedical Students

Medical students from the following schools:

  • UC Davis School of Medicine
  • UC Irvine School of Medicine
  • University of Rochester School of Medicine
  • Saint Louis University School of Medicine
  • Western Michigan University Homer Stryker M.D. School of Medicine
  • USF Health Morsani College of Medicine (MCOM)
  • California Northstate University College of Medicine.

Organized By:
Michelle Guan (DGSOM '23)
Holly Huang (DGSOM '24)