Welcome to the Pediatric Interest Group (PIG)!

View the Events Calendar to check for upcoming events that may be of interest to medical students interested in pediatrics. We communicate mostly by email, so if you are interested in PIG events, make sure to contact us so that we can put you on our list serve. 

For any questions, feel free to contact us at PIGUCLA@gmail.com


The Pediatric Interest Group (PIG) strives to educate medical students about the vast field of pediatrics by promoting student exploration of pediatrics and its subspecialties, providing opportunities for career guidance, and encouraging awareness of issues pertaining to children and their families. With these goals in mind, PIG hopes to encourage and inspire the pursuit of a career in pediatrics.

To fulfill this mission the PIG student coordinators work with pediatric residents and faculty to provide several events around the year. Through lunchtime lectures, students have the opportunity to learn about and explore various topics related to the field of pediatrics. Through resident-student mixers, students can learn more about pediatric training and ask for advice about how to decide if pediatrics is right for them. The PIG-sponsored mentorship program allows interested students to be matched to a pediatrician mentor for shadowing opportunities and guidance. PIG members also can participate in pediatric-related community service events, such as working at health fairs, volunteering at the LA Ronald McDonald House, and attending the annual Halloween parade at Mattel Children's Hospital. These events help students connect with and learn from children and their families outside of the clinic and hospital environments.