Christopher Hanuscin was born and raised in Los Angeles, California, where he graduated from Palisades High School in 2009. He was varsity captain for both his high school’s football team and lacrosse team. Due to his academic excellence in the classroom and his leadership characteristics shown outside the classroom, he was awarded the Posse Foundation Full Tuition Leadership Scholarship to attend Tulane University in New Orleans, Louisiana. The Posse Foundation identifies leaders in urban high schools around the Los Angeles community and sends them in groups known as “Posses” to prestigious universities across the country. During his four years at Tulane University, Chris walked-on to the division one varsity football team, participated in different organizations, and acquired his B.S in Cell and Molecular Biology. He also minored in Psychology and Business. He was elected as Vice President for both GENTE, the Latino student organization on campus, and Men of Color, the African American male student organization on campus. He also was a pre-hearing administrator for the Office of Misconduct, where he acted as a student representative on the hearing board for misconduct cases. Right before Chris graduated from Tulane University in 2013; he was awarded the Tulane 34 award, which recognizes the top 34 students in the entire university for their excellence in academics, their volunteer commitment in the community, and leadership qualities shown throughout their educational career at Tulane University. Chris matriculated into Charles R. Drew/ UCLA School of Medicine in 2013 and plans to continue his passion in working in underserved communities. He currently serves as the Lennox Health Fair Volunteer Coordinator in LMSA and Community Service Representative in SNMA for the 2014-2015 academic year.
Undergrad Institution: Tulane University
Hometown: Los Angeles, CA